Review Policy

Hi there! As you know, that I'm just starting out with this blog. I'm just going to give a reminder that I'm still reviewing books that I've bought for myself. As time goes by, I'm hoping to take this blog into new levels and start to get noticed by publishers and other bloggers. So, wish me luck! 

What Kind of Books I Read 

I focus this blog into my love for the Young Adult/ Teen genre of books. So here's a list of the specifics. 
  • paranormal/supernatural 
  • adventure
  • science fiction (sometimes) 
  • contemporary (realistic/romance/chick-lit)
But I'm pretty flexible with other specifics like, 
  • classic literature
  • travel fiction 
  • poetry 
  • historical fiction (sometimes) 
The Kind of Books I Don't Read
  • political 
  • thriller
  • religious 
Roll in with the Bookworm 

So this is what to expect in this blog and how I review the books I've read. Just like what I said before, I'm not in the stage/level where I receive books to review, I'm still buying my own books and I review them when I finished reading. So it might take a bit of a while for a new review to come up. But if I've read a book before and I haven't reviewed it before, I'll post it up, especially if it had a good impression on me. 

When I review a book, I don't analyze it like crazy. I write down my thoughts and feelings about the book, what I like, what I don't like, what could be improved. But sometimes I do take my time to try and analyze the story a little bit deeper. There will be books that I may not like as much and I'll try to keep my thoughts as constructive and fair as possible. 

Besides reviews, there will be of course other posts about books I've bought, upcoming books, books I'm just dying to read and any other things related to books. I'm a blogger too,  not just a reviewer :D 

In time, I may participate in challenges and international contests. 

Content of my Reviews 
  • Cover art 
  • Published date
  • Publisher
  • Genre/Age Group 
  • Rating (1-5 system) 
  • Number of pages 
  • Where to purchase the book
  • Summary/Synopsis (taken from Amazon & Goodreads)
  • Review of thoughts, highlights, uniqueness etc. 
For any other information, do contact me at: 

Twitter: @mapapaya 
Facebook: Cemara Dinda

Thank you! 

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